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Do you need help figuring out how to frame an issue, connect your message with key stakeholders, and ignite action with grassroots education and awareness? With my approach, based on my extensive experience with successful issue campaigns, I shape public discourse to help my clients achieve success on a broad range of issues. How? I help move public opinion and make your issue matter. My knowledge of New York’s complex political and public policy landscape allows me to help you reach, influence, and mobilize targeted audiences across the region.


  • Create educational and outreach programs, activities, and events, that foster positive relations and interactions with stakeholders
  • Identify, train, activate, and mobilize at the grassroots level
  • Develop and define messaging that resonates with a broad array of targeted stakeholders and achieves campaign goals
  • Advise on earned media strategy to help clients tell their stories and move the needle


Na'ilah Amaru | MPA, MPP, MS
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